Custom Web
Development Services

Build a better website with Vaulted. We provide full-stack custom web development services that deliver exceptional experiences and superior results.


Supercharged Performance

Leveraging knowledge of the latest trends and best practices, our web developers optimize your website for exceptional site speed, streamlined user experiences, and visually-appealing responsive design.


Insightful Analytics

Dive into the data to see how your website is really performing. We implement tracking and platform integrations that provide a clear view into the performance of your website, allowing you to make data-driven decisions for optimal growth.


Premium Technologies

Work with our expert web development team to identify the right platform and technologies for your needs. We’ll walk you through the benefits of the leading content management systems including WordPress, HubSpot, Webflow, and more.



A great website will grow with you. Our web development services feature scalable features, like modular content management, alongside technologies and tools that will stand the test of time, delivering long-term functionality you can count on.



High-performing web development solutions should integrate smart SEO strategies from the start, and that’s exactly what we do. From site architecture to mobile-first design, we create websites that will drive organic traffic from day one.


Website Design

Tell your unique story through thoughtful website design and branding. Our design team partners with our web developers to create visually stunning websites that illustrate your core values and convert your ideal customers.

Ready to Talk?

Leveraging the Latest Website Development Technologies and Platforms


Our Website Development Process

Bring your vision to life with robust, scalable web development solutions.


Website Planning

Before we start development, we dive into your vision for your website to identify the right strategies for your project. We chart a clear course forward to create a website that will serve your business for years to come.


Data Integrations

Connect the dots between your website and the key tools that make your business tick. We ensure the proper software integrations and tracking data are implemented to create clear insights and a seamless customer journey.


Testing & Launch

We systematically test your website prior to launch to identify any errors and ensure performance. We provide the training and support to help your team embrace your new website with confidence and ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have a design for my website?

No, we can provide website design services! Our website design services go hand-in-hand with our web development services. We’ll work with you to tell the story of your brand while creating an engaging user experience that converts visitors into customers.

Learn more about our website design services.

Will my website be mobile-friendly?

Absolutely! At Vaulted, we prioritize creating responsive, mobile-friendly websites. Our website development process ensures that your new website will look exceptional and perform seamlessly across all devices, including the latest smartphones and tablets. Our best practices for web development guarantee a user-friendly experience, no matter how your audience accesses your site.

Does site speed matter?

Yes, website speed is extremely important for today’s websites. A fast-loading website is crucial for providing a positive user experience and increasing conversions. Slow websites can frustrate visitors, leading to higher bounce rates and lower conversion rates. High-quality web development services should prioritize site speed, but it requires an expert team to achieve that.

Additionally, search engines like Google consider site speed a significant factor in their ranking algorithms. Recent updates to the Google Search algorithm have placed increased emphasis on Core Web Vitals, which attempt to quantify the user experience through factors like site speed. That's why we focus on optimizing your website's performance as a part of your website development services to ensure it loads quickly and efficiently, helping you retain visitors and improve your search engine rankings.

What platforms do you develop on?

We primarily provided website development services on Wordpress, HubSpot, Squarespace. If you would like to use a different platform for web development, ask our team.

Do you offer training on how to edit website content once the website development is complete?

Yes. Our web development team wants to ensure a smooth handoff and that you have the tools and knowledge needed to manage minor website revisions and content on your own.

We provide web management training through:

  • Loom Videos: Step-by-step video tutorials that you can refer to anytime
  • Live Trainings: Interactive sessions where we walk you through the editing process and answer any questions you may have
  • Documentation: Detailed guides to help you navigate deeper
  • Monthly Retainers: Ongoing support and website maintenance

How do you test websites and ensure they are ready to launch?

Our best practices for web development include thorough testing to ensure optimal website performance ahead of launch. Those procedures include:

  • Website Pre-Launch and Post-Launch Checklists: We utilize detailed checklists that cover all essential aspects of your website's functionality. This includes testing forms, verifying analytics integration, and ensuring all features work as intended.
  • Browser and Device Testing: We test your website across multiple browsers and devices to guarantee it performs seamlessly and looks great, regardless of how users access it. This ensures compatibility and a consistent user experience.
  • Site Speed Testing: We conduct thorough site speed tests to optimize loading times. A fast website is crucial for user satisfaction and search engine rankings, so we make sure your site loads quickly and efficiently.

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